Monday, January 12, 2009

Active Directory

Well, I've put a hold on cataloging all of my MBA and MS knowledge into podcasts....only for a very short while. I do want to re-learn and fill the knowledge gaps a little. So, I will be doing those posts soon.

I think I gave a brief overview of Macolm Gladwell's book, Outliers in my last posting. I definitely recommend that you read it if you like seeing all of the connections between a singular thought. I'd say he's one step away from being a James Burke Connections type of guy...but he doesn't go backwards and follow the Outlier concept or Blink concept through history. Not really sure how one could do that....but I see a little bit of parallelism there.

Anyway, I've been learning more about Active Directory the past few days. So, with a definitive YES, I can answer the lifelong question:

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?

Answer: Yes, an alert will be sent via remote administration to acknowledge the tree fell and some action is required to get it operational again. ;)

Yea, I know....cheesy. But, any techie chuckled just a bit.

Things are starting to progress a little with one of my most desireable companies, Booz Allen Hamilton. Everyone reading this podcast, please collectively think positive thoughts about me acquiring this job. It would be an amazing learning opportunity and professional opportunity to travel the country while helping Booz's customer make a more seamless working environment.

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