Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Internet Marketing Toolkit????

First, I'm not endorsing this website. But, I just Googled "Internet Marketing Toolkit" and came across a great example of how to not market oneself on the Internet.

The website, YourIMToolkit. Trust me on this one, I only added the link if you need a good laugh. The website has a constant popup disallowing you to read the material on the website. Additionally, the website reads like a boring 20-page novel from top to bottom without sub-pages. Would you want information on how to market on the internet from someone that cannot successfully represent a good online presence and really poor design? <>

Unfortunately, this was just the top link. All of the sites I found were similar....

I did find a great informative page, Internet Marketing Best Practices found with a google search of: Internet Marketing "Best Practices"

Based on what I read, I may add another blog about its contents...


Kasia said...

The fact that the bad website was number one is search results shows that the 20 pages of keyword-heavy content and probably some shady tactics can have a real effect on search results, bringing bad pages to the top.

The Carsonator said...

I totally agree! What can we do about making that avoidable...and making relevant user-centric pages hit the "top of the search list"?

James Moore said...

Linking to the good resource (with appropriate keywords helps) - particularly from .edu domains and sites that search engines rank with a high-quality score.

Anonymous said...

As the owner of that site, I agree with your statement about that annoying popup. It is annoying.

It also didn't reduce sales conversion by that much when taken down and while statistically it didn't affect conversions, it did build the list quite a bit when it was on the site.

Would you rather be an effective marketer or someone who makes a nice pretty site that doesn't convert?

If you answer correctly, then you just might have a chance at making some money online.

If you know how to run your business, then you're not afraid to try new things irregardless of what people say.

Is your time really spent wondering how to rid the Internet of annoying popups?

Best of luck to you with that.

The Carsonator said...

Given the fact that you've read my blog post (which I'm extremely excited about) I can see that you keep track of your site and the publicity about it. I respect that you've done well with your site--however, I feel that you could likely do even better with a "prettier" site.

I do appreciate your comments and I do agree with some of your remarks. You must be doing a VERY good job at SEO, or you wouldn't be at the top of the list (if you still are).

However, I do think that the popups distract from your message. I also think that your website can be broken up into a few different pages. Relevance is extremely important for each page, and I think that people lose attention over time if they have to continue scrolling.

I certainly wish you the best of luck in your website(s) in the future. But, please drop the popups and really focus on delivering a clean concept. I think viewership and sales will increase.

The Carsonator said...

Oh...and I am not necessarily trying to make money online. But, I definitely am striving to make a footprint in the world (in general--online and in person). So, I can't say that what you are doing is wrong. You're getting a message out--and this is what is important.

I do wish you the best of luck on your website...and keep up the entrepreneurial spirit!!!!

Anonymous said...


no worries, those popups were annoying, no doubt. I found your site by searching for Internet Marketing Toolkit actually, since I'm doing some new SEO stuff, and KW research reveals that nobody is really search for that term.

However, these 2 searches are where I'm now focusing my attention

6000 monthly searches for that one, I just noticed I'm page 2 for that somehow


Almost 500 searches a month for that term.

Interesting thing to note here.

The terms with the higher number of competing sites has a lower search volume and the search for the higher volume term has less competing sites...

Interesting, eh? That's why all those KW research tools that show # of competing sites are telling you stuff that may not be totally relevant or useful.

Getting on page 1 is always the goal and the number of backlinks those page 1 sites have is what's keeping them on page 1 most likely.

That, and proper on-page SEO.

BTW, I've hardly done any SEO work here, which goes to show that having an affiliate program is great SEO, know what I mean?

Head on over to some time and leave a comment. You seem like a good dude, and I think you'll like the activity there.

