Friday, June 20, 2008

McKinsey Quarterly

Well, I thought I'd do a daily message. So, last night I went to the Kellstadt MBA Association's Third Thursday Event. I had a great time...and I really like the new location at Plymouth Bar & Grill. Met a number of people, including a former President of the association and future teacher of the Undergraduate version of Internet Marketing at DePaul, Adam Garcia.

Besides Thursday evening, I really didn't do too much today. I started studying the PMBOK (2004 Edition). Is there a newer one yet?

I was asked to be a part of the McKinsey Quarterly Executive Surveys. Very strange for a graduate student to be asked. How does one get asked about these things? I mean, I anticipate being an important executive someday...and I think I can definitely contribute to the business community immediately. I want to. *shrug*

If it has any value I may put it on my resume....since I am trying to enter the consulting field after this 2nd Masters at DePaul. Eventually I do want to teach some college classes and add back at a higher level than being a college track coach and a Graduate Assistant. But, I'm not terribly certain about PhDs. Those take a lot of effort...and even more time.

I've also started planning my summer trip. As it currently stands:
Visit my buddy Lubomir (Penn State PhD student) @ Penn State:

  • July 18 - 21

Return for 1 day then off to Dayton, Ohio to visit friends and colleagues, maybe check in on my renters (don't get me started about my renters...arrgh):
  • July 22- 29

Return for a few days....then off to Albaquerque, NM as I'm going to be a godfather!!!
  • August 5 - 15

I will then head off to Las Vegas for a week and meet up with my cousin. I'm anticipating a lot of alcohol. A good amount of sunburning...and a ridiculously good time. I'm hoping that my friend Erin can meet up during the beginning of the trip there...
  • August 16 - 22

Then I think I'll be able to ramp up on the job hunt...and get ready to be a Graduate Assistant again while finishing up my degree. What companies do you recommend? You can see my resume at: My Resume. And I'm thinking about:
  • McKinsey & Co

  • Bain & Co

  • Deloitte

  • Accenture

  • A.T. Kearney

  • BCG

  • Booz & Co

  • IBM Global Services

Any other suggestions....?

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