Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mensa Anyone?

So, I received notification that there is a Mensa Test Day coming up. This will be pretty much a nationwide event. You can check out the details at Mensa's web site.

Do I have any readers that are members of Mensa? Are there any true benefits to being in Mensa? I'm nearly positive I can get in...but what I'm really curious about is if someone is a member and has been able to sequester a job based on being a member.

Any input?

I'm a member of Phi Kappa Phi...this hasn't really helped me. But, it was neat to be honored like that. Top 10% across all the graduate programs was a pretty cool feat. This was at Wright State University. I'm uncertain if a 3.872 GPA is high enough at DePaul. We shall see....


Anonymous said...

I'm a member of Mensa. Listing Mensa on a resume is an iffy proposition at best. If you get the job, they expect you will be perfect and never make a mistake. If you don't get the job, it's because they think you're a know-it-all who will never make a mistake.

The benefit of being in Mensa is all the activities they offer, social interaction with other people who get your jokes, and the worldwide support system.

A very tiny percentage of those who are eligible to join actually do so. I think some people are afraid they won't make it, so would rather not try.

Mensa Testing Day is 10/18/08, but tests will be offered throughout October and in to November. Anyone who is interested should check out

Anonymous said...

I agree, Mensa is iffy except for social interaction with other members. Joining a local Rotary Club will put you in contact with business people who need all the help they can get. Even free help is good, if you make contact with people with money and power.