Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pending Posts

I've finally uploaded about 100 more pictures from my trip. For the 1 day that I was in Los Angeles I took a lot of pictures. I'm also noticing that 90% of my pictures are just buildings and landscape. Why didn't I take more pictures with friends and family? Next time I visit family I vow to take ONLY family pictures. Anyway, I'll be posting lots of pictures in the coming couple of weeks.

I have also been putting off posting the November HBR Case Study. I will likely do this in the next week.

Time is starting to free up as school sort of winds down so my blogging may increase. I hope it does anyway. However, my job searching is ramping up immensely. So, unless I land a job and can just sort of lose that level of stress (which is pretty big given the markets and financial crisis...I refuse to blog about these topics) I may continue sporadically blogging as applying for jobs is truly a full-time job.

So, expect some "pretty" pictures soon. Since the train is nearly impossible to sleep in I often took both sunset and sunrise photos. But, please, take at least one multi-day train trip in your life. It is an experience....

I think that's all for tonight.

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