Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blogging to Blog

I am sorry to all my devoted fans (apparently I have at least 1 individual that will read occassional updates)....I haven't blogged in quite a long time. It has been a busy past two weeks. I had an interview at the 52nd best company in 2009 according to Fortune , Booz Allen Hamilton. The interview went well. I do feel as though I didn't represent my Technical Architecting ability as well as I would have liked. I made no mention to the understanding of Client/Server and N-Tier architecting strategies. Eh, whatever. It's all there anyway. So, I can use it if required. It was hard to try and architect a legacy system that I've been trying to forget for the last 2 years while simultaneously learning multiple new bodies of knowledge during my MS education. :)

But, I did receive an offer from Booz Allen and I accepted! Beyond the company being internationally known in the consulting industry...which is great...I am looking forward to just learning a ton from my future peers. Additionally, projects that create opportunities for travel is exciting and something that I really wanted in my last job. There are a number of other little factors that made me interested in Booz Allen. But, honestly...I think however long I work at Booz Allen--5 years, 10 years, 20 years-- I will grow personally and professionally while I work at making other companies more productive, efficient, and successful while simultaneously wearing the Booz Allen ID badge.

In the next 24-48 hours I will make an effort to write up both January's and February's Harvard Business Case studies. But I just wanted to make this post to identify why I've been slacking in my blogging responsibilities.

A reader also made a comment about tracking down the answers to some PMP questions. I will post these also...I have been boxing up my items and preparing to move down to the greater St. Louis area. So I apologize for not posting those sooner.


James Moore said...

Congratulations! Well done and best of luck with the new job!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new position!

About 23 years ago I gave you some advice when we were standing in a field at your school. You were worried about making new friends as you were moving to San Diego, or so I was told. I kept waiting to hear from you; but, I never heard from you again.

Anyway, I said that the secret was simple: “People will want to be your friend if you get them to talk about themselves and what they want or are interested in.”

That advice is still the best suggestion that I can give you now that you are starting a consulting job. People do not necessarily want to hear about how smart you are. They will figure that out for themselves. The answers to most business problems lay with the people on the front line that need you to gather their ideas and find the most effective solution after looking at the bigger picture. Also, most people do not like new things, i.e. change. Some will even try to sabotage your efforts. When you are leading, look over your shoulder frequently to see that the troops are still following the new plans or procedures you are trying to institute.

With Kindest Regards, David