Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Internet Business Mastery Podcast

Well. I just stumbled upon a new Podcast. If you knew'd know how that happens a lot. I'm the guy with the earbuds in listening both actively and passively to podcasts.

Anyway, Internet Business Mastery ( has a podcast talking about all the great ways to start your very own e-commerce portal or e-business website.

This paired with the Marketing over Coffee Pocast ( may get everyone on their way to being e-Business moguls.

Both podcasts are available through iTunes or whatever GUI-based RSS aggregator device you use for your multimedia broadcast listening pleasure.


James Moore said...


Good to see you are listening to Sterling and Jay!



The Carsonator said...

Yes, I've just started with the IBM podcast...and unfortunately, I sometimes have to passively listen to the casts sometimes. Causing me to not catch ALL the nuggets of information. But, I do catch some useful things.

I was debating on doing a blog for each podcast....but it would be a bit ridiculous with 46 podcast subscriptions and 36 of those are "blog-worthy" casts.