Sunday, April 20, 2008

something different to blog about...

Be forewarned...this is me complaining for the most part with just a dash of internet marketing.

Well, as some of you know...I am a track coach at Harper College. I am also a grader for the CSC 451 (Database Design) course at DePaul. So, this week was hectic as usual. Grading homework on Monday. All day meeting on Tuesday, BrainStorm 2008 followed by a class, E-Business Architecting. Finish grading Homework on Wednesday (before the students have class). Doing homework for my Internet Marketing course (this blog) on Wednesday. Thursday we watched film for my athletes and I went to a company presentation...I finished up homework for another course, Building Internet Applications. Then got started on grading for homework assignment #2.

Friday was an all day track meet. I ended up missing the deadline for any specific questions as I was preparing for another all day track meet on Saturday. Finished grading papers on Sunday.

Ok, I swear future posts will be more relevant. But, I had to get out the message that my free time was very limited for group work! I will be much better in the coming weeks.


James Moore said...

I feel your pain. At least the exercise will let your brain work a little more productively. I guess the good news is that you are a third through the class - not much more to go....

The Carsonator said...

The class has been interesting thus far. One of the challenging parts with the blog--is what to write about!

However, the act of blogging is very entertaining.