Monday, June 23, 2008

Opinions on Energy

I'm curious if anyone has opinions on Ethynol. Personally, I don't think that it is a viable alternative energy source. It may be "sustainable" and the quotes are there because it really isn't possibe for us to switch over to ethynol currently and still have the same demand level. It isn't sustainable given the current usage and future demand. Of course, neither is oil. Herein lies the problem.

So, what are the alternatives?

Is Hydrogen power the answer? Its only byproduct is basically water. Hydrogen and oxygen. How would we make this available?

Is Windpower the answer? Lots of places in the world where we could have windmills. Both land and sea.

Is Solar power the answer? Is this a solution. I know there have been great advancements in the film technology. Could we add these to commercial buildings and power the earth? Could we profit off this?

Is nuclear energy the answer? Scary thought...but this could be a lot of energy for population growth.

Geothermal power? The earth isn't really cooling down...can we harness the exothermic reations in the earth?

Hydroelectric? Can creating dams help? What are the repercussions of this on the environment?

Do we need to have a centralized power grid pushing out energy? Or do we need to have a decentralized power grid where everyone basically generates their own power. If they generate more than they goes back into the grid for the heavier users?

How could we implement this globally? I know there is a debate on the US not doing anything because some of the other countries like China and India are bigger producers of pollution. But, if we can create a method, or approach to solve this do we get the message out there?

So, there are a lot of questions here....I'd love to hear some answers. Or at least comments.

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