Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So, something strange happened. I received my AC Adapter from Sony. Which is good. But the studpid Adapter isn't working. I have to call the Sony Support Team again. Very disappointing.

My classes:
TDC 425: Voice/Data Network Fundamentals
IS 433: Information Security Management
HCI 440: Usability Engineering

Ok, so the classes aren't that weird. But, they may keep me a little busy this quarter. They all seem to have some extra work and projects that may take up my free-time.

The PMP Exam studies are going well. I may post some sample questions and then post the answers. This may be better than outlining what I think is important from the various chapters in the PMBOK.

As far as my vacation pictures. I will be posting the pics that EVERYONE is waiting for--Seaside and Cannon Beach, Oregon in the next couple of days. So, please stay tuned...until the next episode.

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