Monday, July 7, 2008

Fire at the Theatre? Nope, free movie ticket.

I ended up going to see Hancock on Friday at the theater. far as the movie goes, it was decent. Unfortunately, some dumbass pulled the fire alarm (it may have been an accident). So, it was interesting actually experiencing the disaster plan for the movie theatre.

The movie stopped immediately -- some sort of pause mechanism. Then the alarm went off -- the lights in the theatre came on. Then there was a siren.

At this point I was glad I had seen hundreds of pre-movie descriptions to find the nearest exit (yea....) as there was no audio advising people to find the exits and leave in an orderly fashion.

I then took the opportunity to take the exit behind the screen. It is completely different. Just drywall and drywall mud. No carpeting....all concrete. But, still fairly clean.

So, I took the back way...and eventually made my way outside (without any employee assistance). When outside I noticed that there wasn't any staff member outside directing the patrons safely away from the building (just in case).

Eventually, someone came out and told us to go to the other side of the parking lot....and after the Fire Department came and turned the alarm off we were let back in with a free movie pass and a movie that was at the same exact spot where we left off.

However, I do think that AMC needs to have a better Safety protocol in place. In the advent of a real fire....there would have been A LOT of people hurt.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?

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