Thursday, July 17, 2008

On the road.....again.

Well, I feel like I've done quite a bit the past few days, and blogging ins't one of them. However, I am preparing for a nice weekend at Penn State University this weekend. Funny relation there....I was in the Google Online Marketing Challenge which our team, the Six Amigos (even though there were four of us) came in 13th in the AMERICAS. Pretty cool when there were around 1600 teams, and probably just under 2/3 of them were based in the Americas. Well, the team that won the Americas group is based out of Penn State University...perhaps I'll go pop in on the professor and congratulate him.

I will eventually catch up on my blogging. I swear. I have all the ideas in my head--I just need to put them on "paper"

And so my great summer trip..........BEGINS!!!!

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